
Friday, March 20, 2009

M'sia govt to hire 3,000 grads

PETALING JAYA - THERE will be a silver lining soon for 3,000 unemployed information and communications technology (ICT) graduates as the Malaysian government will spend RM72 million for them to become facilitators in schools with SchoolNet connectivity nationwide.

Energy, Water and Communication Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor said that under the internship programme the graduates would be paid a RM1,000 (S$413) monthly allowance for two years to help them weather the economic slowdown.

He said the programme, to begin in June, would give priority to rural schools.

'We also hope the 3,000 graduates will take this opportunity to continue to improve their ICT expertise and knowledge,' he said. 'This is not so much to give them permanent jobs but to enable them to continue to hone their ICT skills so that they can get jobs in the future.'

He said any unemployed ICT graduate could apply for the programme.

'The ministry and the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission will be selecting the applicants,' he said, adding that the ministry would also cooperate with local public universities to provide the 3,000 with further ICT training during the internship programme.

Mr Shaziman added that the ministry would also upgrade 3,000 schools with the SchoolNet programme from 1Mbps to 4Mbps with the RM100mil provided under the second economic stimulus package.

Mr Shaziman also announced that all ICT-based companies earning less than RM5 million annually would be exempted from contributing to the universal service provision fund until the end of next year.

'This is to enable these companies to operate well in this trying economic climate,' he said.

It was mandatory for all ICT operators to contribute 6 per cent of their revenue to the fund set up to provide telephony -- THE STAR

Read More On Malaysian's Latest Here

1 comment:

tok iskandar said...

Jarum halus ini kalau mengena alamatnya tipislah PAS untuk menang di PRK Bukit Gantang.

Saban hari,media totok UMNO akan mengambil peluang memainkan isu penderhaka kepada Raja Melayu sehinggalah ke hari pengundian.

Cara macam ni kira kembar seiras kaedah Yahudi.Tok tak mahu tuduh siapa yang cacat otak ni tapi yang mendapat keuntungan daripada isu kartun hina Raja Melayu ini tentulah calon UMNO yang akan bertanding dalam PRK Bukit Gantang.

Tok nak cadangkan kepada penyokong-penyokong yang terjumpa mana-mana mamat yang cuba mengedarkan gambar-gambar kartun ini,cepat-cepat tangkap mereka dan sebelum serahkan kepada polis ambil dulu nama,nombor ic dan alamat rumah atau tempat tinggal mereka.

Penceramah-penceramah Pakatan rakyat juga perlu memberitahu orang ramai tentang gambar kartun yang menghina Raja Melayu ini bukan dilakukan oleh Pakatan Rakyat.

Orang yang dah miskin idea untuk menang sanggup melakukan perbuatan yang keji ini.Bukannya murah kos cetak gambar kartun tu.Mungkin kerja gerombolan mamat yang hina Yang Di Pertuan Agong sebagai natang(binatang) tempohari kot.

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