
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bacaan 100 Hari Pentadbiran DS Najib

Sempena 100 hari pentadbiran Datuk Seri Najib Razak, kita diingatkan kepada beberapa perkara berikut:

“Anak perempuan saya dibunuh oleh orang Malaysia di bumi Malaysia. Namun mereka langsung tidak memohon maaf,” katanya yang juga seorang professor psikologi di Universiti Kebangsaan Mongolia. -- Baca seterusnya di sini


Najib was accused by a young opposition MP, Gobind Singh Deo, in parliament, of involvement in the murder. Deo was suspended by the Speaker for making the remark. The deputy prime minister has strongly denied any involvement.

Testimony in an earlier court case has established an intimate personal and financial connection between the dead woman and a close aide to Najib, who was minister of defence at the time of the submarine deal.

The aide, Abdul Razak Baginda, was acquitted by a court last November of being an accessory in the murder. He has since been working on a doctorate at Trinity College, Oxford. --- Read More Here


BELUM pun selesai skandal komisyen jet pejuang Sukhoi dan kapal selam Scorpene, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Najib Tun Razak terpalit dalam satu lagi skandal: kontrak perolehan Eurocopter menggantikan helikopter Nuri. -- Seterusnya di sini


Another scandal appears to be hovering over the Defence Ministry and this time it concerns the purchase of helicopters to replace the armed forces’ aging and accident-prone fleet of Nuri aircraft.

The issue was highlighted in two letters last week - dated Oct 7 and 9 respectively - addressed to former defence minister Najib Abdul Razak, who is also deputy prime minister and finance minister. --- Read More Here

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